
Teachers strike

Teachers assemble at the TDC to start the march

By Precious Msosa

As the sit in for some primary and secondary school teachers across the country continues, we highlight some pictures of how things unfolded in Balaka district. The teachers are protesting government’s failure to pay their December 2019 salaries because they delayed in providing details of their national identity cards as required by government. About 5,000 teachers have so far been affected.

Teachers holding posters and tree branches during the strike

In Balaka the teachers came from the district’s surrounding schools and gathered at the Teachers Development Centre (TDC) on Monday January 20, 2020 before storming the District Education Manager’s (DEM) office for some chanting and dancing. On Tuesday, the teachers braved the rains and marched from the DEM’s office to the District Commissioner (DC) where they presented their petition for the speedy processing of their salaries among others.

Teachers marching to the DEM’s office

Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM), which has sanctioned the strike has threatened for a grave move if government does not address their concern as soon as possible.

Teachers braved the rains to air out their concerns at the DC’s office